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The Pros of Ethylene Glycol

Writer: jtanu071jtanu071

Updated: Mar 24, 2018

Author: Mira Persaud, Chemist

I am a chemist studying the effects of exposure to ethylene glycol and properties of ethylene glycol in general. I was previously employed with Air Canada before deciding to venture out into new projects investigating/ researching, designing and implementing ethylene glycol on Ottawa’s city roads.

  • Ethylene glycol is currently used on aircrafts as a de-ice where it removes ice via hot high pressure spray and anti-ice where it is used on aircraft wings to prevent ice formation.

  • Very effective when used on aircrafts as de-ice and anti-ice, reduced overall aircraft incidents

  • Non-corrosive, basically non-flammable

  • Can be used in up to -45 weather via 60% glycol 40% water mixture

  • It is mainly only hazardous when ingested, not a main concern as an aerosol

  • Does not persist in environment and is degraded into soil, water and air

  • Only found in areas near it’s release

  • Practically non-toxic to aquatic organisms and does not get into watersheds in the same capacity as rock salt

For these reasons, myself as various invited experts here today believe that the pros outweigh the cons when it comes to the potential use of ethylene glycol on Ottawa’s city roads. Not only has it been effective as a de-ice and anti-ice in regards to aircrafts but it poses little environmental and human health implications if it were to be used according to specific designs for roads. It’s conditional use on highway on/off ramps as a de-ice and as an anti-ice during the worst winter weather potentially on sidewalks may be the best options for Ottawa’s brutal, unpredictable winter climate.


Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. “Ethylene Glycol: RELEVANCE TO PUBLIC HEALTH.” Toxicological Profile for Ethylene Glycol,

Assessment Technologies Inc. “Fate, effects and potential environmental risks of ethylene glycol: a review.” PubMed, April 2001, Canadian Mineral Production. “Rock Salt.” Natural Resources Canada, March 2017,

Dobson, S. “ETHYLENE GLYCOL: Environmental aspects.” United Nations Environment Programme: Concise International Chemical Assessment Document 22, 2000,

Department of Transportation Services. “Winter Maintenance.” Winter Weather Advisory, February 2018,

Grauer Gregory F., “Overview of Ethylene Glycol Toxicity.” Merck Vet Manual,

Kuemmel David A., “ACCIDENT ANALYSIS OF ICE CONTROL OPERATIONS.” Marquette University Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, June 1, 1992,

Local Road Research Board. “Chloride Free Snow and Ice Control Material.” Transportation Research Synthesis, December 2014, Luttrell, William E., “Toxic Tips: Ethylene Glycol.” Journal of Chemical Health & Safety, September & October 2012,

Ottawa Road Safety Report. “2016 Fatal Collision Breakdown.” City of Ottawa Annual Safety Report, 2017,

Rastogi, Nina., “Salting the Earth: Does Rock Salt Harm the Environment?.” The Green Lantern, February 16, 2010,

Rebsdat, Siegfried, and Dieter Mayer. “Ethylene Glycol.” Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry - Rebsdat - Wiley Online Library, Wiley‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 15 June 2000,

Road Management Journal. “Using Salt and Sand for Winter Road Maintenance.” U.S. Roads, March 1996,

United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). “Airport Deicing Effluent Guidelines Documents.” Fact Sheet: Effluent Guidelines for Airport Deicing Discharges, April 2012,;

Weener, E., “Lessons from icing accidents and incidents.” National Transportation Safety Board, February 2011,

World Road Association. “Snow and Ice Databook 2010.” Technical Committee B5 Winter Service, 2010,

1 Comment

Amanda Nandkissore
Mar 26, 2018

As a chemist, what are your thoughts about ethylene glycol being sold in stores while being restricted for use as a de-icing mechanism?

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© 2018 APEO

*Disclaimer: This website was created as a project for the course HSS3303A at the University of Ottawa (winter 2018). Information found here is written by students, not actual professionals; use information found on the site at your own risk

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