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The APEO is proud to unveil its official logo! Special thanks to Professor Maria Henin from the Canadian Museum of History for the design

Accidents in Ottawa

Understand how accidents in Ottawa highlight the need to rethink how the city deals with snow and ice removal. Special thanks to Dr. Justin Jordens for the data presented in the image

Road Levels

Both ethylene glycol and rock salt can be dangerous to living organisms. This infographic puts their toxicity into perspective. Special thanks to Dr. Justin Jordens for the data presented in the image

Comparison of Pros and Cons of Rock Salt

Rock salt has both pros and cons; see what they are side by side! Special thanks to Dr. Mira Persaud and Air Canada for the infographic

Disadvantages of Rock Salt

Rock salt has been the primary choice for de-icing roads in many cities. See why the APEO is reluctant to continue its exclusive use. Special thanks to Dr. Emily Lund from Health Canada for the infographic

Comparison of Pros and Cons of Ethylene Glycol

Ethylene glycol is a commonly found in antifreeze and has recently been proposed as a road de-icer. Learn more about ethylene glycol with this simple infographic! Special thanks to Dr. Mira Persaud and Air Canada for the use of this image

Ethylene Glycol

The APEO supports the use of ethylene glycol in limited areas and circumstances. See why! Special thanks to Dr. Emily Lund from Health Canada for allowing us to use this infographic


Both ethylene glycol and rock salt can be toxic. Check out this comparison to learn more! Special thanks to Dr. Mira Persaud and Air Canada for this image

Proposed Plan

The APEO's official stance on the city of Ottawa road de-icing program is complex. Find the summarized details of our recommendations here! Special thanks to Dr. Emily Lund from Health Canada for the infographic

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