Professional Opinions Matter

Ottawa is home to nearly 1 million people, making it the 4th largest city in all of Canada. As a result, the decisions made by the local government have many impacts on both the people living in it as well as the city itself.
The Alliance of Professional Experts in Ottawa is a panel of experts coming from a variety of backgrounds who are dedicated to educating both the government and the public about the issues faced by the city. It is our goal that the municipality be well-informed of the scientific and evidence-based data available in order for the best decisions regarding the city be made.
**Official Statement from the APEO**
On the topic of the City of Ottawa switching its method of de-icing roads from rock salt to ethylene glycol, the APEO believes that the selective use of ethylene glycol on exit and entry ramps would be in the city's best interest. The APEO further believes that the proposed microFAST fixed distribution is the best technology to do so. The microFAST fixed distribution system has a proven track record of being reliable and cost-efficient. Pairing this technology with ethylene glycol for targeted usage in trouble areas when salt just doesn’t cut it can save lives at little risk to the environment - no more of a risk than what salt already presents.
- Jessica Tanudjaja
President of the APEO